Talking Ben the Dog Android App

Free Talking Ben the Dog Android App & Review

Category:Entertainment Android Apps (Talking Animal Android Apps)
File Size:6693 KB
Publisher:Outfit7 Ltd.
Downloads: 181
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About Talking Ben the Dog Android App
  • Talking Ben the Dog is the most entertaining and compelling android application. Here, Ben is a retired chemistry professor who loves his comfortable life of eating, drinking & reading newspapers. You must have to bother him that he'll fold his newspaper in order to make him responsive. Say anything to him and he'll repeat each & everything in funny voice.

    Try to get him to his laboratory however to make him as happy as a puppy. You can also do some chemistry experiments by blending combination of two different test tubes and check out hilarious reactions. Simply press phone button and enjoy conversation with Ben. Also record funny video of your own telephone conversation with Ben. You just need to simply press buttons in order to make Ben drink, eat or belch. Share your videos with your friends or others through email, MMS, YouTube or Facebook.
Supported Android versions: Android 2.1 and higher

Talking Ben the Dog Screenshots:
Talking Ben the Dog Android App
Talking Ben the Dog Android App


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